Soočamo se z velikimi spremembami v procesih vzgoje in izobraževanja, ki jih je povzročila epidemija COVID-19 ob širokem razmahu uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Upamo, da bo v prihodnjih letih prevladovala šola v živo, kar pa ne pomeni, da se bomo povsem vrnili na stare tirnice. Rešitve pouka na daljavo so pokazale tudi pozitivne plati. Upravičeno govorimo o smiselnosti hibridnih modelov poučevanja in spremembah v vsebini in metodiki dela.
Letošnja konferenca Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi 2023 bo potekala v živo. Pogovarjali se bomo o različnih rešitvah in spoznanjih, kako si lahko v bodoče pomagamo s sodobno tehnologijo pri prenosu znanja. Izkušnje minulih let nas ne bodo vodile v stanje pred epidemijo ampak nas bogatijo in vodijo v renesanso vzgoje in izobraževanja v novi realnosti.
Vabimo vas, da se aktivno udeležite konference Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi 2023, da predstavite svoje poglede in izkušnje ter da skupaj snujemo našo prihodnost.
Uredniški odbor
Introductory thoughts
We are facing grand changes in the educational processes caused by the COVID-19 epidemic and the widespread use of information and communication technology. We hope that direct face-to-face education will prevail in the coming years, but that does not mean that things will be completely as they were. Distance learning solutions have also shown positive sides. It is reasonable to talk about the significance of hybrid teaching models and changes in the content and methodology of work.
This year’s conference Education in Information Society 2023 will be held at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We will discuss various solutions and insights into how we can help ourselves in the future with contemporary technology in the processes of knowledge transfer. The experiences of the past years will not lead us to the state before the epidemic, but enrich us and lead us to a renaissance of education in a new reality.
We invite you to actively participate in the conference Education in Information Society 2023, to present your views and experiences, and to plan our future together.
Editorial board